one's head off — ► one s head off informal talk, laugh, shout, etc. unrestrainedly. Main Entry: ↑head … English terms dictionary
—— one's head off — informal talk, laugh, shout, etc. unrestrainedly: he was yelling his head off. → head … English new terms dictionary
- one's head off — talk, laugh, etc., unrestrainedly he was drunk as a skunk and singing his head off … Useful english dictionary
laugh one's head off — {v. phr.}, {informal} To laugh very hard; be unable to stop laughing. * /Paul s stories are so wildly funny that I laugh my head off whenever he starts telling one of them./ … Dictionary of American idioms
laugh one's head off — {v. phr.}, {informal} To laugh very hard; be unable to stop laughing. * /Paul s stories are so wildly funny that I laugh my head off whenever he starts telling one of them./ … Dictionary of American idioms
eat one's head off — phrasal 1. : to eat excessively or gluttonously 2. slang : to nag or grumble at one : scold or pick at one she ate his head off when he came in late * * * eat one s head off (esp of an animal) to cost more for food than one is worth • • • Main… … Useful english dictionary
yell one’s head off — AND yell one’s guts out 1. tv. to yell loud and long. □ I was yelling my head off at the game. □ Stop yelling your guts out and listen to me. 2. tv. to complain bitterly and loudly. □ Some lady is yelling … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
talk one’s head off — tv. to talk endlessly; to argue persuasively or vigorously. □ I talked my head off trying to convince them. □ Don’t waste time talking your head off to them … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
laugh\ one's\ head\ off — v. phr. informal To laugh very hard; be unable to stop laughing. Paul s stories are so wildly funny that I laugh my head off whenever he starts telling one of them … Словарь американских идиом
talk one's head off — phrasal : to talk to one volubly and unremittingly are shy at first, but once they get to know you, they ll talk your head off … Useful english dictionary
bite one's head off — {v. phr.} To answer someone in great anger; answer furiously. * /I m sorry to tell you that I lost my job, but that s no reason to bite my head off!/ … Dictionary of American idioms